Ramu brutal matches young murder victim Hassan
Shoaib Saeed, Ramu (Cox's Bazar) 9 September 14 imh-Cox's Bazar in Sadar upazila on Sunday was rescued from the river khali arm severed left arm. Earlier on Saturday, have been recovered from the canal area of Cox's Bazar Sadar Upazila head piemakhali chanakhola. Be recovered in the two parts of the body have become corrupted. Yet look at the size of the family members contributed ideas. Hassan (7) bodies.
Ramu were young. Hassan has caused such an uproar over the killings brutal matches. After five days, the search for missing match khali River separated from the body of Hassan's head and hands. Are such brutal matches hatabihabala massacre, Hasan's relatives and people from all walks of Ramu.
Hyakandera victims were young businessman. Zakir Hassan Ahmad's son Ramu upazila mandalaparara phatekhamrakula Union. 3 out of the house and did not return in September to publish. Used his mobile phone was off that day.
Hassan's family on behalf of the victims have not yet taken any legal action. However, in the case sandebhajana Ramu police arrested a youth. They are the names of the young Sun (4). He srikula Ramu village phatekhamrakula Union.
Initiative on Monday in protest against the killings of people from all walks of Ramu (9 September) Ramu Chaumuhani ten a.m. human chain and protest rally was held at the station. He immediately demanded exemplary punishment to the perpetrators of this incident is the real mystery udaghatanasaha.
Big brother Mohammad Hassan. Ismail said, the money was to go to Saudi Arabia Hasan. Meanwhile, for the past 3 and a half tolas gold to pawn of September was out of the house. But that day he did not come back, family members became concerned, absolutely. From that day on his mobile phone was not even close.
He is the last Saturday in a head floating in the river khali piemakhali Get news chanakhola area. Police later recovered the head. Khali regime in the river has been recovered from a hand. He has ideas, the two parts of the body of his brother Hasan.
Cox's Bazar Sadar Model Police Station Shah Alam, the locals informed the police of the surrounding area has recovered from a head. DN has been sent for testing to Chittagong. He killed the man's body, trying to rescue the other sects. Chittagong sent for DNA testing to be delivered on Monday, would have known terrible.
Mohammad. Relatives of known or organizing ideas Hassan was kidnapped by a knock cycle Hassan to loot all killed him. To conceal the killings and corpses floating down the pieces. They said the killing has been ramutei.
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